- Meeting representatives of Armé- Marin- och Flygfilm, 28 March.
- At a Robyn concert, 28 March. Now, this would have been the place to wear that Lanvin necklace.
- On a visit to Smaland, 31 March, a) with coat and b) without. Very flattering!
- Attending a dinner at Residenset, 31 March. And we see the return of this dress, which I just find odd. I mean, it's business on the bottom, randy Victorian nightgown on the top.
- Second day of the Smaland visit, 1 April, a) with coat and b) without. I like the coat, but the dress does nothing for me (or for her).
- Visiting "The Kingdom of Crystal", 2 April, a) with coat and b) without. You know I love my Victoria in statement colors, but methinks this is tragically weighed down with black tights and boots.
Best and Worst of the Week
Combining statement prints is an art, and outfit 3 is a success. Love it. The blazer is flattering, and the scarf adds just what it needs to keep from looking like the uniform of a candy striper (or a child sailor? or a prisoner?). Outfit 5b takes my worst for the week, because while there's nothing particularly wrong about it (well, I mean, you know how I feel about those boots), there's nothing really flattering either. It's a whole bundle of meh.What made your best and worst list for the week for Victoria?
Photos: royalcourt.se/smp.se/ANP
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