Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Royal Fashion Awards: Ascot 2011, Day 2

Ascot Day 2! No sign of the Yorkies today, but let's carry on anyway:

Best in Old School
Princess Alexandra
Two Princess Alexandra sightings in the space of a week. Will we get more before Ascot is over? Everybody cross your fingers and toes.

Worst Flashback
The Duchess of Gloucester
First thought, seeing the Duchess: is she repeating the rather tragic ensemble she wore for Lady Rose's wedding? If she is: yikes. If she isn't: yikes, having one bib collar in your closet is bad enough.

Best in the Ascot Spirit
The Countess of Wessex
Peacock feathers! Where else are you gonna wear them? And this is why we love Ascot. Simple pairing with the blue dress and jacket we saw on Sunday, but that's all right: let the feathers do the talking.

Worst in the Ascot Spirit
Princess Haya
No, see, Ascot is about peacock feathers, not funeral gear. Great suit and all, but the chapeau is downright depressing.

Best in Dessert
Queen Elizabeth
A soft serve hat and the best sweet thing of all: DIAMONDS. That's the Williamson brooch, my friends. Finest pink diamond in the world, right there: 23.6 carats. Pardon my drool.

Worst in Stubborn
Princess Anne
"Listen, I gave you yesterday, today is mine. If I want to wear a mustard paisley number from 1980, that's my prerogative. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME."

Who's ahead in your fashion stakes for Ascot Day 2?

Photos: Harry Page/Rex Features/Reuters/Daylife/Mark Stewart/Camera Press/Isopix/David Hartley

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